ExcelReportLink now compatible with MYOB AccountRight live 2014.3 (June 2014)

MYOB have released the 2014.3 update of MYOB AccountRight live.

You will need to upgrade some ExcelReportLink solutions:

  • if you are using ANY version of MYOB AccountRight live on the cloud;
  • if you are planning on upgrading to MYOB AccountRight live 2014.3 and are using it locally, on a server or in the cloud.

Upgrading ExcelReportLink solutions is FREE for all users. You can download the latest upgrade of ExcelReportLink (v3.42.7.109) as well as read the terms from the following link.
Upgrade ExcelReportLink GL Pivot Solution
Upgrade ExcelReportLink Sales Pivot Solution

You can find the upgrade instructions on our wiki.

For more information about the affected ExcelReportLink solutions, visit these pages.
ExcelReportLink GL Pivot Solution Home
ExcelReportLink Sales Pivot Solution Home

We hope this update makes a difference.

Jeff Stephenson
Managing Director | Solution Architect

ODBClink now compatible with MYOB AccountRight live 2014.3 (June 2014)

MYOB have released the 2014.3 update of MYOB AccountRight live.

You will need to upgrade ODBClink:

  • if you are using ANY version of MYOB AccountRight live on the cloud;
  • if you are planning on upgrading to MYOB AccountRight live 2014.3 and are using it locally, on a server or in the cloud.

Upgrading ODBClink is FREE for all users. You can download the latest upgrade of ODBClink (v3.42.7.109) as well as read the terms from the following link.

You can find the upgrade instructions on our wiki.

For more information about ODBClink, go here.
ODBClink Home

We hope this update makes a difference.

Jeff Stephenson
Managing Director | Solution Architect

BudgetLink now compatible with MYOB AccountRight live 2014.3 (June 2014)

MYOB have released the 2014.3 update of MYOB AccountRight live.

You will need to upgrade BudgetLink:

  • if you are using ANY version of MYOB AccountRight live on the cloud;
  • if you are planning on upgrading to MYOB AccountRight live 2014.3 and are using it locally, on a server or in the cloud.

You can download the latest upgrade of BudgetLink (v3.42.7.109) as well as read the terms from the following link.

You can find the upgrade instructions on our wiki.

For more information about whats included in BudgetLink go here:
BudgetLink Home

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this post

Jeff Stephenson
Managing Director | Solution Architect

ODBClink officially listed on the MYOB Addons website (June 2014)

We are pleased to announced that ODBClink was officially listed on the MYOB addons website on 04/06/2014.

ODBClink is an addon to MYOB which allows you to retrieve the data from MYOB AccountRight Live and placed it in a Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server database. In effect, allowing you to manipulate the data using ODBC and SQL.

ODBClink is FREE to download and use. We are providing this tool to the MYOB community.

You can check it out on the MYOB site here.

Or download from our site.

Jeff Stephenson
Managing Director | Solution Architect

BudgetLink – Faster than ever (May 2014)

Over the last six months, we’ve put considerable efforts to make BudgetLink faster than ever.

We’ve improved:

  • the time it takes to get data;
  • the amount of memory it uses;
  • the time it takes to start;
  • the time it takes to close down.

Get Data Speed Improvements

We’ve considerably improved the time it takes for the Get Data to run by changing the way the data is stored into memory. BudgetLink’s memory model is now more efficient and streamlined. The more time consuming algorithms have been redesigned to calculate the required numbers on the fly. As such, they no longer weigh down the application or slow down the get data process.

Memory Usage Improvements

By redesigning the memory model, BudgetLink uses considerably less memory to store the data it needs to generate reports. As such, it is quicker, more stable and reliable. This is particularly important for those consolidating large data files together.

Closing Speed Improvements

One added benefit of the new memory model is that by using less memory, BudgetLink needs to release less memory when closing down. This means that BudgetLink can close quickly in most environments.

Opening Speed Improvements

Lastly, we’ve restructured the code such that portions which are rarely ever used are only loaded when required. BudgetLink should start considerably faster on most systems.

You can download the latest upgrade of BudgetLink (v3.42.1.104) as well as read the terms from the following link.

You can find the upgrade instructions on our wiki.

For more information about whats included in BudgetLink go here:
BudgetLink Home

We hope this update makes a difference.

Jeff Stephenson
Managing Director | Solution Architect

DirectDebitsLink is now an approved MYOB Addon Solution

MYOB have now approved DirectDebitsLink as the first Banking MYOB Addon Solution. The approval process involved a review of the solution by MYOB’s developer team.

To view the listing click DirectDebitsLink – Standard Edition

This gives visibility to a free solution which gives both small and large Direct Debits users the ability to easily create a Direct Debits ABA file without the need to re-enter payment information into their banks direct debit system.

Jeff Stephenson
Managing Director
Accounting Addons

Goto DirectDebitsLink home for more info

Pricing Methodology

We give away functionality to solve the core accounting problems
Charge a low monthly fee for functionality that solves the complex problems
Assist you with high end consulting services at an hourly rate