Upgrading BudgetLink

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This article assists existing users upgrading BudgetLink to the latest version.

If you are a new user and wish to install BudgetLink, see Installing BudgetLink instead.

The upgrade process will install a new Version folder within the BudgetLink folder and then seamlessly transfer any settings from your old installation and transfer it to the new one. If you have custom solutions or reports, they will be copied across during the upgrade process. Note that you may need to configure BudgetLink for any new features.

To upgrade to the latest version follow the steps below.

Upgrading BudgetLink

Upgrade Button
Unzip BudgetLink
Accept the EULA
Choose Upgrade
Confirm the old version installation
Confirm reports to upgrade
Confirm data warehouses to upgrade
Start BudgetLink
  1. Start BudgetLink;
  2. From the Menu click the Upgrade button;
    1. If it does not exist on your version then go to https://accountingaddons.com.au/budgetlink/upgrade/
  3. If a new version is available you will be asked if you want to upgrade. Choose Yes;
  4. BudgetLink will close and the Download BudgetLink Upgrade page will appear in your browser;
  5. Click Install_BudgetLink...exe to download the WinZip self extractor;
  6. At the bottom of your browser choose Run;
  7. On the Winzip Self Extractor - Install_BudgetLink...exe form, click Unzip;
  8. Click OK once the unzip is successful;
  9. On the Welcome to BudgetLink... window, read the User License Agreement and tick the checkbox if you accept them, then click Next;
  10. Leave the Upgrade Installation checkbox ticked and click Next;
  11. Confirm that you are upgrading the correct version and if not click Select to choose the old version of BudgetLink and then click Next;
  12. If upgrading from very old versions of BudgetLink, enter a name for your organisation which will be used as the name of the workspace;
  13. Tick or untick the reports to confirm which ones to upgrade, then click Next;
  14. Tick or untick the data warehouses to confirm which ones to upgrade, then click Install;
  15. Once the installation is complete click Start.


  • Older users of BudgetLink may need to manually download the latest version as the check for upgrade functionality was not available.
  • The upgrade process only needs to be done by a single user if installed in a shared location that others can access.

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