Why did the Get Data process fail to read my MYOB AccountRight Classic table

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For some users, the Get Data process may fail to read a specific table from MYOB AccountRight Classic. There are different causes as to why this may occur.

Get Data process may fail due to user permissions

The MYOB login used to read your MYOB data file may not have the necessary permissions to read all tables. As a general rule, we recommend that the Administrator login is used as this ensure all tables can be read.

To change the login used to connect to your MYOB data file, see Changing how ODBClink connects to your data file and Connecting ODBClink to MYOB AccountRight 19 or Lower.

Get Data process may fail due to different versions of MYOB

MYOB AccountRight Classic comes in different editions: Accounting, Accounting Plus, Premier and Enterprise. It also comes in different versions: v18, v19, etc. Not all editions and versions of MYOB comes with all tables. For instance, MYOB Accounting does not include the payroll related tables. Accounting and Accounting Plus do not include multiple currencies.

While the MYOB ODBC Driver used is common across all versions. It may be that the table you selected is only available in one specific edition or version of MYOB.

When selecting the tables to download during the get data process, we recommend you include the least number of tables. Not only will this ensure that it works for your version of MYOB but will also increase the performance of the get data process.

To change the tables downloaded during the get data process, see Editing a data warehouse.

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