BudgetLink, ExcelReportLink and ODBClink software updates bring 64-bit compatibility (August 2014)

We are pleased to announce the latest release of our products for August 2014. We have worked hard to make BudgetLink, ExcelReportLink and ODBClink compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Excel.

It is worth noting that users of MYOB 19.10 or prior will still need to use the 32-bit version of Microsoft Excel as the ODBC driver is 32-bit.

BudgetLink users can download the latest version from the following page.

ODBClink users can download the latest version from the following page.

ExcelReportLink GL Pivot Solution users can download the latest version from the following page.

ExcelReportLink Sales Pivot Solution users can download the latest version from the following page.

Other ExcelReportLink users can download from the relevant product page.

Jeff Stephenson
Managing Director | Solution Architect