Testing the MYOB ODBC driver using the TestConnection tool from MYOB

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The MYOB ODBC TestConnection.exe utility

MYOB provides a TestConnection utility that can be used to test and see if the MYOB ODBC driver is installed and running correctly. This applies to MYOB AccountRight 19 or lower but does not apply to MYOB AccountRight Live 2017 or lower.

The TestConnection Tool can be found at the following location on your machine: C:\MYOBODBCAU10\bin\iwinnt\TestConnection.exe.

To use the TestConnection utility, simply follow these steps.

  1. Locate and start the TestConnection.exe utility;
  2. Select the correct Driver Name from the list. For most users, this will be MYOAU1001;
  3. Enter Administrator as the User Name;
  4. Enter the associated Password;
  5. Click the first Browse button and select your data file;
  6. Click the Test button and see what error messages display.

If an error occurs, we recommend you perform the following two task and then try again.

  1. Verify and Optimise your MYOB data file. This ensures that the data file is in such a state that it can be read.
  2. Reinstall the MYOB ODBC Driver. For more information, see Re-installing the MYOB ODBC Driver.


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