Processing Credit Card Payments

Revision as of 17:50, 2 November 2016 by Nic (talk | contribs)


This screen allows you to process credit card payments using invoice data from MYOB Classic.

This screen uses invoice and customer information from MYOB to allow you to:

  • create the file required to process credit card payments;
  • record the customer payments into MYOB.

Some settings must be setup in MYOB and in DirectDebitsLink prior to using this screen.

Configuring MYOB

In order to use this screen, some setup must be done in MYOB. See Setting up MYOB AccountRight 19 to process credit card payments for more information.

Configuring DirectDebitsLink

In order to use this screen, some settings must also be setup in DirectDebitsLink, see Setting up DirectDebitsLink to process credit card payments for more information.

Creating the file to process credit card payments

To process credit card payments, see Creating the file to process credit card payments.

Recording Customer Payments into MYOB from BPOINT results

To record customer payments into MYOB in bulk, see Recording Customer Payments into MYOB using the result file.

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