BudgetLink provides multiple types of Accruals version.
Accruals (also known as Actuals)
The Accruals/Actuals version is available and is the principle version used to report numbers by Jobs and Categories.
Accruals (Categories)
The Accruals (Categories) version is available for MYOB AccountRight Live and provides numbers broken down by Categories.
To enable this version, see How to enable or disable the Accruals (Categories) version.
Note that this version is only available in BudgetLink Ultimate Edition. You will need to Upgrade to BudgetLink Ultimate Edition to be able to configure this setting.
For MYOB AccountRight Classic users, the Actuals version is already broken down by Categories.
Accruals (Jobs)
This version pulls data by account by job by month (no transactions)
It is suitable for reporting by job when you dont have too many jobs (ie more than 200) as it can become slower than pulling data at the transactions level as it has to pull a separate profit and loss for each job for each period
Accruals (Company)
The Accruals (Company) version pulls in data at the company (not by job or category) and is used by the Trial Balance Reports
To enable this version see How to enable or disable the Accruals (Company) version.