How to Share BudgetLink on Network

Revision as of 05:48, 22 June 2016 by Jeff (talk | contribs)


If BudgetLink is already installed on your Server then you can provide multi-user access by sharing the BudgetLink folder with each user

If currently installed on your local machine the first step is to move it to your server

If you are currently registered fro the Free Edition you will need to upgrade before it will work on a Server

If starting from scratch then download and install on your Server

How to move BudgetLink to a folder on Network

If BudgetLink is currently located on your local PC if must first be moved to a folder on your Server

  1. Locate the BudgetLink Folder to move;
  2. Cut and paste the folder to the new location in the Network;

If the folder is too large to move efficiently, you can move the backup folder outside of the BudgetLink folder fist

Sharing BudgetLink on Network

Sharing Folder

Please follow these instructions to share the BudgetLink folder on Network.

How to Share

  1. Right-click the BudgetLink folder you want to share, click Properties, and then click Security tab.
  2. Under Group or user names ,click Edit button.
  3. Check the user name you want to give permissions to under Group or user names
  4. Click on the user name if you find or click Add button and add the user.
  5. Upon adding the username, click on the user name to the list give permissions.
  6. Upon clicking the username you can either Allow or Deny the Read Write controls by clicking the check box under Permissions for User.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Apply.


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