While MYOB can process direct credits transactions using the Electronic Payments screen, it cannot create the ABA file necessary to process direct debits transactions.
DirectDebitsLink provides a mechanism where this task can be automated.
Click here to view ABA file format details.
How does it work ?
The first step is to record your customer payments against the Undeposited Funds account in your MYOB data file and then recording a bank deposit transaction using the Bank Deposits screen.
Then, you simply need to connect DirectDebitsLink to your MYOB data file. DirectDebitsLink will list all bank deposits transaction present within your data file. Select the one for which to create the ABA file and upload it to your bank.
How to get started ?
Download DirectDebitsLink OR Contact us on 1300 233 667 (ADDONS) to make an enquiry
For more information, see DirectDebitsLink.