Repair office and ensure that all components of Office are installed

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DirectDebitsLink requires Microsoft Excel and most components of office to be installed. If the VBA or Programmatic components of office are not installed, it can cause issues when the software starts.

Error message that VBA was remove

How to identify that VBA is not fully installed

Show the developer tab in ribbon
Confirm Microsoft Visual Basic is not greyed out

To identify that VBA is not fully installed, follow these steps.

  1. Start Excel
  2. Go to File \ Options
  3. Select customize ribbon
  4. Tick the Developer ribbon
  5. Click ok to close the options dialogue
  6. Select the Developer tab
  7. Confirm that the Microsoft Visual Basic and Macros buttons are both greyed out.

If the Microsoft Visual Basic and Macros buttons are both greyed out, that is a an indication that VBA was not installed as part of Office. You will need to repair office and ensure all components get installed.

If the previous solutions do not help resolve the problem, it may be worth considering reinstalling Microsoft Office. Please contact your IT Support provider.

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