Creating a private application in Xero

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BudgetLink provides the ability to access your Xero data using your own private application. This approach, while technical to configure, bypasses the need to select the data file and obtain a verification code during each Get Data.


Prior to creating a private application, you will need to create your own X509 Certificate. See Creating an X509 certificate using OpenSSL for more information.

How to create a private application in Xero

To create a private application in Xero, follow these steps.

  1. Open your web browser;
  2. Navigate to and login to Xero;
  3. If this is not your first private application, click the Add Application button;
  4. Select Private as the type of application to create;
  5. Enter a unique Application Name;
    We recommend including the organisation or company name.
  6. Select the organisation from the dropdown;
  7. Tick the Upload X509 certificate file (.cer);
  8. Click the Choose File button and browse for your X509 Certificate;
  9. Tick the Enable Payroll API for this organisation if you need payroll data;
  10. Tick the I have read and agree to the Xero Developer Platform Terms;
  11. Click the Save button to save the private application settings;
  12. Click both Show buttons under OAuth Credentials;
  13. Make note of both the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret as you will need them later.

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