Custom Solutions

We provide custom solutions by either modifying or building onto our existing add-on solutions.

If you have requirements in addition to what the standard solutions provide, you can either engage us to a deliver a custom one for you, have us show you how to do it yourself or a combination of both. Alternatively we can take on the the architectural development to deliver a functioning solution and you may choose to do the final formatting and finessing yourself.

To make an inquiry, please contact us by either calling for an initial conversation or send us an email with your requirements, preferences and any existing reports if you have them. We will then respond with a proposed approach and high level estimation. If requirements are substantial, we will request a block of consulting time be purchased in advance to complete the analysis and may also break the project down into foreseeable and manageable blocks of consulting time.

If your happy with the advised approach and estimation you can proceed by purchasing a block of consulting time.

Towards the end of each block, we will update you with what has been done so you can track progress and also update you with tasks remaining and revised estimations.

The benefit of our approach is that you get more flexibility with how to utilize our expertise and consulting time and the control to add or vary requirements along the way.