Troubleshooting Start-Up Problems
The purpose of this page is to list various topics that will assist you in solving start-up related problems.
- ODBClink opens but doesn't start
- ODBClink starts but shows error occurred during load
- ODBClink starts but shows a compile error message
- ODBClink starts but complain about the version of Microsoft Excel
- ODBClink starts but complains about files being read-only
- ODBClink starts but complains about read or write permissions
- ODBClink starts but complains about the installer path being too long
- ODBClink starts but complains about being installed on a network location
- ODBClink starts but complains about running on a terminal server
- ODBClink starts but complains about running from within Dropbox
- ODBClink crashes at startup on first use
- Installing the ODBClink ribbon