MYOXIMPORT ServicePurchases
MYOXIMPORT_ServicePurchases allows you to import service purchases (invoice only) into MYOB.
The following fields allow you to import data. Fields that are mandatory are in bold. Fields that are optional are in italics.
- PurchaseNumber
- SupplierInvoiceNumber
- PurchaseDate
- PromisedDate
- SupplierUID
- ShipToAddress
- LinesType (possible values are Transaction, Header, Subtotal)
- LinesDescription
- LinesTotal
- LinesAccountUID
- LinesJobUID
- LinesTaxCodeUID
- TermsPaymentIsDue (possible values are CashOnDelivery, PrePaid, InAGivenNumberOfDays, OnADayOfTheMonth, NumberOfDaysAfterEOM, DayOfMonthAfterEOM)
- TermsBalanceDueDate (number of days until balance is due)
- TermsDiscountDate (number of days to receive discount)
- TermsDiscountForEarlyPayment
- TermsMonthlyChargeForLatePayment
- IsTaxInclusive
- IsReportable
- Freight
- FreightTaxCodeUID (this field must always be populated with a value regardless if freight applies or not)
- CategoryUID
- Comment
- ShippingMethod
- JournalMemo
- BillDeliveryStatus (possible values are ToBePrinted, ToBeEmailed, ToBePrintedAndEmailed, AlreadyPrintedOrSent)
- OrderUID
- While MYOB will automatically generate an invoice number, we strongly recommend you include either the Number or SupplierInvoiceNumber field when writing data back into MYOB in order to identify the transaction in the future. Furthermore, if you do not include a Number or SupplierInvoiceNumber that is unique, MYOB will not be able to return the UID or RowVersion of the recorded transaction.
- All fields other than those beginning with Lines relate to the invoice header and should have the same values for all lines of the invoice. Only the values of the first record are actually used for the header part of the transaction.