MYOB Payroll Categories not appearing on payroll reports


This article applies to MYOB AccountRight Live only

If some payroll categories do not appear in the MYOX_EmployeePayrollAdviceReportLines data point, it may be because the payroll categories are not flagged to be included on the payroll advice report. This applies to Deductions, Employer Expenses, Entitlements, Payroll Taxes and Superannuation. To resolve this issue, follow these steps.

  1. In the MYOB Command Center, select the Payroll tab and then click on Payroll Categories;
  2. Select the relevant payroll category tab;
  3. Select the missing payroll category and click Edit;
  4. Tick the Print on Pay Advice tickbox;
  5. Click OK to save the changes;
  6. Repeat for each other payroll category;
  7. Run the Get Data.

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