Troubleshooting Get Data Problems with MYOB AccountRight Live

Revision as of 00:06, 12 February 2015 by Nic (talk | contribs)


Read the following guides to correct any get data issues with MYOB AccountRight Live 2014 or lower.

MYOB AccountRight Live API

For ODBClink or other third-party software to connect to your MYOB data file either on a local machine or on a server, many components must be installed and running.

Depending on which installer (PC or Server) used to install MYOB AccountRight Live, the MYOB API will be installed and running differently. See How to confirm if MYOB AccountRight Live was installed using the PC or Server Installation for more information.

MYOB AccountRight Live API for PC installations

For those who installed MYOB AccountRight Live using the PC installation, see the following articles.

MYOB AccountRight Live API for Server installations

For those who installed MYOB AccountRight Live using the Server installation, see the following articles.

MYOB AccountRight Live API for multiple installations

For users who used have installed multiple versions of AccountRight Live and who may have used the PC installation (as opposed to Server installation) of the latest AccountRight Live, you may need to uninstall the old MYOB AccountRight Live API. For more information, see the following topic.

Error messages

The following lists the known error messages when connecting to MYOB AccountRight Live.

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