Updating windows to use the TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 security protocol


ExcelReportLink uses components within Windows to negotiate a security protocol with MYOB AccountRight Live cloud data files and Xero.

Unfortunately, this protocol is not inbuilt by default in all versions of windows.

As such, anyone on Windows 7 or older or Windows Server 2012 or older must configure their machines to default the security protocols correctly.

Microsoft provides an update which will assist and resolve the issue.

Step 1: Close ExcelReportLink

You will need to ensure you close ExcelReportLink before proceeding with these steps.

Step 2: Ensure you are using the latest service pack

If you are using Windows 7, you need to ensure you are using at least Service Pack 1. You can download it from the Microsoft Website.

If you are using Windows Server 2008, you need to ensure you are on the R2 release. You can download it from the Microsoft Website.

If you are using Windows Server 2012, you already have the latest service pack installed.

Step 3: Run the Easy Fix

Once the latest service pack has been installed, you can download the Easy fix from the Microsoft Web Site.

Step 4: Default the protocols in the windows registry

The last step is to set the correct defaults for your machine. This step depends on what bit-ness of windows you are using as well as which accounting software you are using. If using both MYOB and Xero, we recommend you follow the steps for Xero as they are more restrictive and should work for both MYOB and Xero.

Step 5: Restart ExcelReportLink

Once complete, you may restart ExcelReportLink. If the problem is not resolved, you may also need to reboot your machine.

For more information or to download the update from Microsoft, visit the Microsoft Support Center.

For more information, contact Accounting Addons.

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