ExcelReportLink v2015.12.2.159
ExcelReportLink v2015.12.2.159 was released on 22/12/2015. Release specifically targeted improvements for dropbox and get data.
- Upgrade will no longer lists reports beginning with ~.
- Menu worksheet is now protected to ensure startup performs better and double clicks get ignored.
Manage Data Files
- Fixed validation to warn when entering data file name longer than 50 characters.
- Fixed issue when broswing for an MYOX cloud file the first time.
- Transfer Keys will no longer be required.
- Upgrade Keys will no longer be required.
- All editions will now allow for multiple users.
- New trial keys will be generated if the last key generated is over 60 days old.
- Increased the height of one of the licensing caption to ensure it fits the text line in full.
Get Data
- Skipping unchanged data files mechanism enhanced to skip more of the process.
- Enhanced Get Data process to only populate STANDARD_ tables into the AddonsLink.Cache.mdb or BudgetLink Data.mdb if required by functions or by linked tables.
- Enhanced Get Data process to only populate raw tables into the AddonsLink.Cache.mdb or BudgetLink Data.mdb if required by linked tables.
- Enhanced get data process to also transfer SYSTEMDATA_MonthlyPeriods and SYSTEMDATA_WeeklyPeriods to data warehouses to support dropbox.
- Enhanced get data to create all tables from the addonslink cache as opposed to data file interface.
- Enhanced XERO get data to request report data using standardLayout=true to ensure values can be read correctly.
- Added location field to STANDARD_Sales and STANDARD_Purchases tables.
- Enhanced dropbox integration to only check for READ/WRITE access on FULL GET DATA.
- Enhanced get data to not retain archive unless required.
- Added option to "Perform a full get data and retain archive" which is used to prepare the archive for future use.
ExcelReportLink Sales Pivot Solution
- Enhanced to not use linked tables and be fully compatible via dropbox.
ExcelReportLink Cash Flow Pivot Solution
- Fixed issue with Cash Flow Pivot solution to treat manual input transaction number and memo always as string and to be linked to the master company.
- Added AlignRangeDef function to control the alignment of cells programmatically.
- Added PivotTableFieldDef function to dynamically control fields on pivot tables.
- Enhanced code that Freeze Panes to handle pivot tables and query tables without FreezePaneDef.
- Enhanced code that refreshes pivot tables and query tables to handle missing QueryTableDefs.
- Enhanced code that refreshes pivot tables and query tables to handle missing QueryTableDefs by parsing the connection string.
- Enhanced code that refreshes pivot tables and query tables to refresh even when not using data warehouses and using external databases.
- System tables and hidden tables will be hidden when using the Add Query Table utility.