Assigning the credit card payment method to customers in MYOB AccountRight Live

MYOB Customers Screen
MYOB Customer Payment Details Screen


The custom Credit Card payment method must be assigned to all customers who will be paying using credit cards via your merchant facility. In addition, the credit card details must be entered for those customers.

Assign the credit card payment method to customers

To assign the direct debit payment method and details to customers, follow these steps.

  1. Open your MYOB data file;
  2. Using the menu, select List > Cards;
  3. Select the Customer tab, find a customer that will be paying by direct debit, and click Edit;
  4. Select the Payment Details tab, change the Payment Method to the correct credit card payment method and enter the Card Number, Expiry Date and Name on Card;
    Note you may need to enter these details into Custom Field 1, Custom Field 2 or Custom Field 3.
  5. Click OK to save the changes;
  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each customer;
  7. Close all dialogues and windows once finished.

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