Difference between revisions of "Creating direct debits ABA file from MYOB Classic Invoices using DirectDebitsLink"

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* [[Getting Started Guide]]
* [[Getting Started Guide]]
* [[How To Guides]]
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[[Category:Getting Started Guide]]
[[Category:How To Guides]]
== Overview ==
[[File:PrepareDirectDebits.png|300px|thumb|right|Prepare Direct Debits from MYOB Deposits Screen]]
Once the [[Recording customer payments using DirectDebitsLink|customer payments are recorded into MYOB]] and [[Recording bank deposits in MYOB AccountRight 19.10 or lower|grouped into a bank deposit transaction]], you can create now create the ABA file.
Before preparing the direct debits ABA file, however, you will need to [[Setting up DirectDebitsLink to prepare direct debits|set up DirectDebitsLink to prepare direct debits]]. This setup is used to define the settings that the ABA file will you will send to your bank.
Once the setup is complete, you can create the ABA file.
This screen is broken into 6 tasks:
# Getting data from MYOB;
# Filtering the list of deposits;
# Selecting the deposit to process;
# Reviewing the deposit;
# Enter the process date and debit type;
# Create the ABA file.
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== Getting data from MYOB ==
The first task involves DirectDebitsLink connecting to your MYOB data file and downloading all the necessary information. To Get Data, follow these steps.
# From the ''Prepare Direct Debits from MYOB Deposits'' screen, click the '''1 - Click here to GET DATA from MYOB ''' button;
# Chose to perform a '''Full Get Data''' and click '''OK''';
# Once the get data process is complete, click '''Close'''.
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== Filtering the list of deposits  ==
[[File:PrepareDirectDebitsFilters.png|300px|thumb|right|Refreshing the deposits]]
The second task involves refreshing the table of bank deposits displayed in the lower part of the screen. To do so, follow these steps.
# From the ''Prepare Direct Debits from MYOB Deposits'' screen, click on the '''2 – Click here to REFRESH Deposits Below''' button;
# Enter the '''Deposit Date''' cut off. Only bank deposits raised on or after this date will display. This allows you to exclude old bank deposits to only list the most recent ones;
# Select the '''Deposit Account''' from the list. This should correspond to the bank account relating to the bank deposit to process;
# Click '''OK''' to close the screen and refresh the deposits.
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== Selecting the deposit to process ==
[[File:PrepareDirectDebitsSelection.png|300px|thumb|right|Selecting the deposit]]
The third task involves selecting the bank deposit to process.
# From the ''Prepare Direct Debits from MYOB Deposits'' screen, click on the '''arrow''' on the left hand side. This will take you to another screen, showing you the details of the bank deposit transaction.
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== Reviewing the deposit ==
[[File:PrepareDirectDebitsReview.png|300px|thumb|right|Reviewing the deposit]]
The fourth task involves reviewing and ensuring the details displayed on the screen are correct. You will need to confirm:
* the MYOB Deposit Details;
* the Bank Account Details;
* the Debit Type Details;
* the list of payments belonging to this bank deposit.
You may need to make corrections in MYOB or in the [[Setting up DirectDebitsLink to prepare direct debits|Setup]] section.
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== Enter the process date and debit type ==
[[File:PrepareDirectDebitsABADetails.png|300px|thumb|right|Reviewing the deposit]]
The fifth task involves entering the fields relating to the ABA file contents. To do so, follow these steps.
# From the ''Review Deposit Details and Generate ABA File'' screen, enter the '''Process Date''' this ABA file is to be processed;
# Select the '''Debit Type''' to determine the statement references that will appear on your statement and on your customers’ statement.
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== Create the ABA file ==
Finally, the last task involves generating the ABA file. To do so, follow these steps.
# From the ''Review Deposit Details and Generate ABA File'' screen, click on the '''3 – Click here to GENERATE the ABA file''' button;
# Browse for the location to save the file and click '''Save''';
# Open your bank’s web portal and upload the file as instructed by their system.
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== Related Topics ==
* [[Setting up DirectDebitsLink to prepare direct debits]]
* [[Recording customer payments using DirectDebitsLink]]
* [[Recording bank deposits in MYOB AccountRight 19.10 or lower]]
* [[How To Guides]]
* [[Getting Started Guide]]

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