DirectDebitsLink v2020.3.2.285
DirectDebitsLink v2020.3.2.285 was released on 20/03/2020.
MYOB AccountRight Live
- Updated get data for MYOB AccountRight live to reset error counters once a successful call is achieved.
- Changed label for MYOB AccountRight Live to MYOB AccountRight Live 2020 or prior.
- Added the get data options date range for MYOB data files configured to only pull specific dates.
- Enhanced the compact repair utility to ensure it runs from the local machine and not from the installation location.
- Enhanced the compact repair utility to copy the data file locally if workspace is a network location.
- Added the get data financial year range to the top of the get data log.
- Updated first get data message to have edit years button and help button.
- Updated the Install Ribbon message to have install button instead of OK.
- Updated upgrade dialogues to sort editions correctly and have option to show/hide versions already upgraded.