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of this is not possible then you can copy budgets across using the steps below.
of this is not possible then you can copy budgets across using the steps below.

# Open the old version of Budgetlink and follow the steps from the link below.
# Start the old installing of BudgetLink;

# Creating Budget Templates[http://accountingaddons.com.au/wiki/budgetlink/index.php?title=Creating_Budget_Templates]
# Now start [creating budget templates] containing your budget data;
# Make sure that you click on Customise button to choose the budget and the year you want to copy from;
#Save the workbook in a location so that you can access from second installation;
# Now Start the new version to which you the the budgets to be copied into;
# Follow the steps to Import Budgets [[From a Budget Template]];
# When prompted choose the budget from the template you just saved.


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