BudgetLink v2020.9.1.295
BudgetLink v2020.9.1.295 was released on 07/09/2020.
MYOB AccountRight Live
- Added additional error handling for new html like errors for MYOB AccountRight Live.
Get Data
- Fixed message when get data fails to show the correct time at the end of the get data log.
- Enhanced get data to remove readonly flag on any data file interface to ensure get data succeeds.
- Enhanced importing budgets to only clear specific jobs if using a jobs range.
- Enhanced importing budgets to restrict to used range to increase performance when highlighting whole columns/rows.
- Updated saving budgets to remove auto calculate if it should be off.
- Fixed issue with budget entry to ensure it recalculates subtotals.
- Publishing down the page will only use the name of the worksheet to name the published sheet.
- Publishing down the page will no longer remove header rows.
- Fixed issue with trial balance to ensure it can publish.
- Enhanced upgrade process to better detect the last installation used.