BudgetLink v2019.4.2.251
BudgetLink v2019.4.2.251 was released on 16/04/2019.
MYOB AccountRight Live
- Added Cash Version for MYOB AccountRight Live.
- Added Cash Cd Cr Version for MYOB AccountRight Live.
- Changed the default MYOB AccountRight location to be cloud and use my.myob account.
- Resolved issue for parsing some data for MYOB AccountRight Live which created NaN values.
- Enhanced MYOB AccountRight Live for BudgetLink to support up to 10 level of jobs if people use the strange workaround to create additional levels.
- Update connection dialogue for MYOB AccountRight to reword CLOUD for ONLINE.
- Implemented credit card balance sheet calculation fix for Xero.
- Enhanced Budget Import for XERO to support the xero budget export format for account numbers.
445 Weekly Periods
- Enhanced 445 weekly periods to support seperate configurations for each financial year.
Budget Entry
- Enhanced Budget Entry to not break formulas if Gross Profit doesn't apply.
- Resolved issue with review budgets not working.
Account Hierarchy
- Added prompt to change account hierarchy to static when editing mapping.
- Updated licensing to include Archiving in standard edition.
- Added prompt to run get data when changing Job Budget options.
- Enhanced installer so that both the upgrade source and the destination can be browseable / selectable.
- Enhanced installer so that the software is more forgiving when it comes to selecting a folder name.
- Enhanced installer so that paths can be viewed, scrolled or fits nicely.
- Enhanced installer to default to the self-extracted folder
- Enhanced tree structure to calculate quarters, half years and full years on the fly.
- Enhanced get data to not fail if installer is still running.
- Removed Quarterly and Yearly Budgets and converted them to monthly.