BudgetLink v2018.2.1.217
BudgetLink v2018.2.1.217 was released on 23/02/2018. The main feature added to this version is workspaces.
- Added workspaces.
MYOB AccountRight Live
- Enhanced messaging when software detects runtime exception in MYOX Api.
- Fixed issue with archive routine for MYOX_AccountRegister, MYOX_JobRegister and MYOX_CategoryRegister tables.
MYOB AccountRight Classic
- Fixed issue with advanced accruals, purged data and opening balance sheet.
Account Hierarchies
- Enhanced account hierarchy mapping to support deleted accounts.
- Updated layout of 18. Yearly Reports to include Gross Profit % of Income and Expenses % of Income on all reports.
- Updated formatting of 18. Yearly Reports.
- Fixed issue with projection function and To Date.
- Added check if running under C:\Program Files
- Enhanced archiving and free edition to change the archiving setting if unlicensed instead of editing data file.
- Enhanced software to run in other languages and regions.