BudgetLink v2017.5.2.199
BudgetLink v2017.5.2.199 was released on 17/05/2017.
- Added Current Earnings account for XERO instead of lumping amounts into Retained Earnings.
- Added ability to have XERO Private application.
- Enhanced authorisation dialogue for XERO to appear in taskbar.
MYOB AccountRight Live
- Enhanced browsing for MYOX data file to ensure prompt dialogue is topmost and shows in taskbar.
- Enhanced budget import to parse account numbers using spaces to ensure import works for all accounts regardless how they are entered.
- Enhanced Budget Entry to have 2 Select button to select either the input or the source values.
- Enhanced Copy Source Values to have warning messages/prompt to confirm.
- Fixed layout issues with budget entry when using both subtotals, blank rows and hiding 0 values.
- Enhanced balance sheet budget entry to default to Balance instead of Movement.